Telecom Universal Service Funds - Passive funds or Active Instruments of Social Change?
USFs are mandated to extend telecommunication services to the largest number of people at affordable prices. In discharging their obligations, USFs must attempt to not only include socially disadvantaged segments like women and people with disabilities, but also need to be flexible to widen their scope to include broadband delivery, and actively pursue objectives and actions towards social change. VNL’s position paper on USFs attempts to answer the oft-debated question: Are USFs useful? And if so, under what circumstances?
Fill up the form to download our position paper
See how we are bridging barriers and changing lives in the Left Wing Extremism affected regions of India, thanks to USO.
Connectivity in LWE Region: Made in India
Geography should never be a barrier to connectivity. After all, connectivity is what fuels progress. Read More...
A Green Mobile Network in India’s Red Corridor
Read how the fund has become an indispensable part of the telecom industry’s efforts to bring connectivity to every citizen of the world. Read More...
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